Parish Council Meetings

The Parish Council meets every two months, generally on the first Thursday of the month.  An agenda is published at least 3 days before each meeting on this website and also displayed on the village noticeboard.  Dates of forthcoming meetings are also included on the village calendar.

Members of the public are very welcome to attend and observe throughout Council meetings and time is set aside at each meeting for a public participation session when members of the public can make representations, answer questions or give evidence relating to the business to be transacted.  .

The council also holds an Annual Meeting (usually in May) at which an annual report and financial accounts are presented.  Parishioners are encouraged to attend and ask questions of the Parish Council at the Annual Meeting.

Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes are published within a month of each council meeting, but are for information only until formally agreed at the next meeting.  You can read the minutes of any meeting by selecting from the list on this page.

Thorpe Malsor Parish Council
Agenda & Meeting Minutes

30th May 2024 (AM) AgendaMinutes
30th January 2024AgendaMinutes
31st August 2023AgendaMinutes
25th May 2023 (APM)AgendaMinutes
25th May 2023 (AM)AgendaMinutes
19th January 2023AgendaMinutes
17th November 2022AgendaMinutes
8th September 2022AgendaMinutes
31st May 2022 (APM)AgendaMinutes
31st May 2022 (AM)AgendaMinutes
24th March 2022AgendaMinutes
20th January 2022AgendaMinutes
18th November 2021AgendaMinutes
26th August 2021AgendaMinutes
1st July 2021AgendaMinutes
20th May 2021 (AM)AgendaMinutes
26th April 2021AgendaMinutes
29th March 2021AgendaMinutes
1st March 2021AgendaMinutes
11th January 2021AgendaMinutes
21st December 2020AgendaMinutes
6th October 2020AgendaMinutes
25th August 2020AgendaMinutes
21st January 2020AgendaMinutes
28th November 2019AgendaMinutes
29th October 2019AgendaMinutes
24th September 2019AgendaMinutes
20th August 2019AgendaMinutes
28th May 2019 (APM)AgendaMinutes
28th May 2019 (AM)AgendaMinutes
19th March 2019AgendaMinutes
12th February 2019AgendaMinutes
22nd January 2019AgendaMinutes
27th November 2018AgendaMinutes
25th September 2018AgendaMinutes
28th August 2018AgendaMinutes
24th July 2018AgendaMinutes
29th May 2018 (AM)AgendaMinutes
29th May 2018 (APM)AgendaMinutes
10th April 2018AgendaMinutes
26th February 2018MinutesAgenda
9th January 2018MinutesAgenda
22nd December 2017MinutesAgenda
14th November 2017MinutesAgenda
5th September 2017MinutesAgenda
11th July 2017MinutesAgenda
2nd May 2017 (AGM)MinutesAgenda
2nd May 2017 (APM)MinutesAgenda
14th March 2017MinutesAgenda
10th January 2017MinutesAgenda
7th November 2016Minutes
5th September 2016MinutesAgenda
4th July 2016MinutesAgenda
23rd May 2016 (AGM)MinutesAgenda
23rd May 2016 (APM)MinutesAgenda
25th April 2016Minutes
7th March 2016MinutesAgenda
2nd November 2015Minutes
7th September 2015Minutes
1st June 2015(AGM)Minutes
1st June 2015 (APM)Minutes
11th May 2015Minutes
16th March 2015Minutes
29th January 2015Minutes
1st December 2014Minutes
13th October 2014Minutes