Parish Finance & Audits

The Government requires all parish councils with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 to publish key spending and governance information on line.  Known as the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities, its aim is to increase democratic accountability by providing the local electorate and ratepayers with a clear picture of the activities of smaller councils.

To comply with this code Thorpe Malsor Parish Council publishes financial accounts and governance information by 1st July each year and other information on a more regular basis.

On an annual basis we publish the following information and documents:

♦  Annual governance statement
♦  End of year Accounting Statement
♦  Internal audit report
♦  All items of expenditure above £100
♦  Explanation of Significant Variances
♦  Year End Bank Reconciliation
♦  Asset Register

All the above documents can be viewed in the table opposite under Annual Return for the year end.  The internal auditor's letter to the council is included under a separate link.

All local residents have a legal right to inspect, ask questions about and challenge items in the parish council annual accounts. Information about your rights are included in this guide.

Thorpe Malsor Parish Council
Annual Financial & Audit Reports

Excise of Public Rights:Public Rights
y/e 31/03/24Annual ReturnAuditor's Report
y/e 31/03/23Annual ReturnAuditor's Report
y/e 31/03/22Annual ReturnAuditor's Report
y/e 31/03/21Annual ReturnAuditor's Report
y/e 31/03/20Annual ReturnAuditor's Report
y/e 31/03/19Annual ReturnAuditor's Report
y/e 31/03/18Annual ReturnAuditor's Report
y/e 31/03/17Annual ReturnAuditor's Report
y/e 31/03/16Annual ReturnAuditor's Report
y/e 31/03/15Annual Return Auditor's Report

In addition, the council publishes information both prior to and following parish council meetings.  These documents are available on the Meetings & Minutes page and include:

  ♦  Meeting Agendas & any associated papers - published at least 3 days prior to the meeting date.
  ♦  Draft Minutes of council meetings - published within one month after the meeting has taken place.

A copy of the Agenda and Meeting Minutes are also displayed on the village noticeboard, located on the wall outside Thorpe Malsor Social Club.