


Garden Waste Charges

Residents across North Northamptonshire can now sign up for the new optional, chargeable 12-month garden waste collection service.

The annual subscription charge for the fortnightly service, with collections starting on April 3, 2023, is £40 per bin and can be paid online via debit or credit card. More details about the service and how to sign up are available in the garden waste section of the council’s website – see here.

People can sign up any time and, once payment is processed, will receive a new garden waste permit for sticking onto their bin so collection crews know to collect it.


As part of the refreshed service, the council will also be offering an enhancement to the subsidised compost bin scheme, where residents can buy a home compost bin for £5 plus delivery.

The authority will also be offering an ad hoc sack collection system, at £16.50 for ten compostable sacks, for those not needing or wanting a bin.

Residents can also take green waste to their nearest household waste recycling centre in the NNC area for free disposal.



Saturday 9th April 2022

In Aid of Thorpe Malsor Church

Starting from Eagle Lane, Thorpe Malsor, NN14 1JS.  The ride will be approximately 7 miles across private land.  (There will be occasional manned road crossings).  The route offers several natural, inviting jumps that are all optional.  No dogs please.

First horse 10am     Last horse 1pm

£25 adults    £15 under 16s

Please e-mail entries to thorpemalsorride@gmail.com

Payment details will be sent on request.  Entries will only be accepted with payment.



Census 2021

The census is coming. By taking part, you can help to inform decisions on services that shape your community, such as schools, doctors’ surgeries and bike lanes.

It is important you fill in your census questionnaire because the information you share affects the life of every single person living in England and Wales. 

Because these things matter to us all, everyone needs to complete the census. Do not worry, your information is protected by law. That means Government officials dealing with payments or services you receive cannot see it. 

Census Day is Sunday 21 March. You can fill yours in online as soon as you get your access code in the post. If your household circumstances change on Census Day, you can let The Office for National Statistics (ONS) know.

If you need help, you can visit www.census.gov.uk where there’s a wide range of support services available.


Interested in Standing as a Parish Councillor?

On Thursday, 6 May 2021 local polls will take place to elect the following:

  1.  Councillors for the new North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) – the new unitary authority replacing Corby Borough Council, East Northamptonshire Council, Kettering Borough Council, the Borough Council of Wellingborough and Northamptonshire County Council.
  2. Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
  3. Representatives for the 95 Parish Councils across North Northamptonshire.

If you are thinking about standing as a candidate on Thorpe Malsor Parish Council the deadline for submitting nomination papers is 4 pm on Thursday 8th April.  Anyone seeking further information about standing or wishing to download and print a copy of the nomination paper can do so by visiting: https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/candidate-or-agent/parish-council-elections-england.

If you have any questions about the role of a Parish Councillor please feel free to speak with any of the existing Councillors or e-mail the clerk on: thorpemalsorpc@gmail.com.  The clerk also has pre-printed copies of the nomination papers and additional information regarding their submission which can be delivered on request.


Update from the Tea & Chat Group

As the group was unable to provide the usual Christmas Lunch last year due to the Covid restrictions, we have some spare funds available so we are pleased to say that £190 has been given to the North Northants First Responders Group. This is who they are:

North Northants Community First Responders (NNCFR)

We are a group of qualified volunteers, trained to a high standard by East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) to provide an emergency response to 999 calls within the local area.  We are despatched directly by EMAS to respond to a range of patients in order to stabilise and provide life saving treatment prior to the ambulance arriving.  Being based within the community, we are able to provide a faster response than an ambulance would, if they were to be despatched from the hospital ambulance station, or be subject to any delays due to operational demand.  We have two qualified Responders, both of whom are current serving Police Officers, as well as being a husband and wife team, who have recently moved to Loddington village. 

NNCFR approached us to ask if the village might be able to assist with the purchase of equipment and the £190 donation will cover the cost of a paramedic bag with BP Monitor, and also an Oximeter.

Given that it is a year since Robert suffered his serious stroke, we have donated these funds to them in his name.

We very much look forward to coming out of restrictions so that we can all meet up again for our chats!

Sue, Joan and Frances


Coronavirus: Tier 2 HIGH ALERT

Following the recent nationwide lockdown, this area has now been placed in Tier 2;  restrictions are as detailed below.  The latest government guidance for the Christmas period can be found here.Coronavirus - Tier 2 Restrictions


North Northamptonshire Council – Consultations

The new North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) is a unitary authority which will be created in April 2021 to replace the current two-tier system of local government. It will replace Northamptonshire County Council, Corby Borough Council, East Northamptonshire Council, Kettering Borough Council and the Borough Council or Wellingborough.

Two consultations are currently open, seeking the views of local residents. Links to each consultation are provided below:

Local Council Tax Support Scheme (closes 30th November 2020)

Draft Housing Allocation Scheme (closes 15th December 2020)

A link can be found at the bottom of each page to submit views online.