As the group was unable to provide the usual Christmas Lunch last year due to the Covid restrictions, we have some spare funds available so we are pleased to say that £190 has been given to the North Northants First Responders Group. This is who they are:
North Northants Community First Responders (NNCFR)
We are a group of qualified volunteers, trained to a high standard by East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) to provide an emergency response to 999 calls within the local area. We are despatched directly by EMAS to respond to a range of patients in order to stabilise and provide life saving treatment prior to the ambulance arriving. Being based within the community, we are able to provide a faster response than an ambulance would, if they were to be despatched from the hospital ambulance station, or be subject to any delays due to operational demand. We have two qualified Responders, both of whom are current serving Police Officers, as well as being a husband and wife team, who have recently moved to Loddington village.
NNCFR approached us to ask if the village might be able to assist with the purchase of equipment and the £190 donation will cover the cost of a paramedic bag with BP Monitor, and also an Oximeter.
Given that it is a year since Robert suffered his serious stroke, we have donated these funds to them in his name.
We very much look forward to coming out of restrictions so that we can all meet up again for our chats!
Sue, Joan and Frances